The story of the Green Children of Woolpit begins in the early 1100s, when villagers from Woolpit discovered something surprising near one of the village’s old pits. According to legend, the villagers found two young kids, a boy, and a girl, wandering in the forest near the pit.
What was strange was not just that they were alone, but that their skin was a strange green color. Their clothes were also made from materials that were described as strange and not common in the area. They spoke a language that nobody could understand, making people even more confused about where they came from.
Becoming Part of the Village
Even though the villagers couldn’t communicate with the children, and their appearance was odd, they collectively decided to take care of them. However, the children were quite picky eaters, refusing to eat anything except raw broad beans. As time went on, they adapted to their new surroundings and expanded their diet, but their green skin remained unchanged.
After some time, the boy fell ill and passed away, leaving only the young girl remaining. As she grew older, her green skin gradually faded, and she learned how to speak English. According to some accounts, she eventually married and led a normal life, but details about her later years are scarce.
Theories and explanations
People have come up with various theories about where the Green Children may have come from. Some theorize that they could have been extraterrestrial due to their strange appearance and inability to communicate. However, most historians doubt this theory due to a lack of evidence.
A more plausible explanation is that they were refugees, perhaps survivors of a shipwreck or fleeing from war. Supporters of this theory point to the children’s unusual clothing and language as possible clues to their origin. But without solid evidence, it’s hard to say for sure.Despite sounding like a fairy tale, some historians propose a simpler explanation for the green skin: a condition called chlorosis.
This can make your skin appear green when lacking certain nutrients like iron. However, this theory doesn’t account for everything, such as their peculiar attire and language.
Even after nearly a millennium, the Green Children of Woolpit continue to intrigue and fascinate. Their story has inspired countless works of art, literature, and music, keeping alive the mystery that surrounds them. As we ponder their enigmatic tale, we’re reminded of the enduring allure of the unknown and the mysteries that linger beyond our understanding.
This ongoing investigation has shed light on potential failures within the DCYF system and the ongoing mystery surrounding Oakley’s fate.